Saturday, April 11, 2009

RC: Chicken Tomato Noodle Soup

I had owned my Rice Cooker for quite a while when I first decided to try to make something other than rice in it. My first idea was to heat an instant Campbell's Soup, but I was a little freaked out by the fact that there was no information about doing so online, as surely there would be if such a thing were possible. Then I thought - the sides get hot, the bottom gets hot, if Campbell's soups are safe to eat raw, how bad could things get?

But, because I'm a hyper chef, I decided to make some rice while I was at it (chicken rice soup is good, right?) and to add some tomatoes. So first I cooked some rice the normal way, and when it was done I poured in a can of tomatoes.

Then I added the chicken noodle soup itself and cooked for a while. The end product had good flavour but was perhaps a bit too thick, and consequently a bit slimy. I would change some things if I made it again, but this goes down in history as my first soup made in a Rice Cooker.